Sunday, June 30, 2013

Space Junkie

I've never really known what this style's name is or if it even has one. Is it future suits? Space? Sci-fi military?
Found the IMM brush and started sticking things where I pleased. hee hee
Sometime down the line, making my own IMM's could be fun. Glad someone else made the time to make these for me to experiment with. They're like LEGOs! D:

Back from Vacation

O.M.G. Longest stay from my computer I've ever had in 3 years.(last time was when I moved from Denver to the Bay Area) I felt SOOOooo....weird and useless. What's the first thing I do after delayed flights and blistering heat? How about sitting in a hot and humid house reintegrating with Zbrush.

30 min sculpt between reuniting with roommates, then breaking the news on current affairs.

But alas the sculpt...He looks like an Eduardo. Definitely a scrapper with cauliflower ear going on. A rebel with a big heart. Misunderstood. All he needs love. *BOP BADA BABA!* ALL HE NEEDS IS LOVE LOVE LOVE! Love is all he needs. :nods: