Thursday, December 6, 2012

Robots and Gadgmoes

Soooo I got myself a new toy for my iPad, a Jot Pro stylus. I also wanted to try it out so I downloaded the app Sketchbook Express[maybe later I'll buy Pro] and thus, what thou sees before ye, hath been drawn upon thine tablet. 

It's....well it's a somewhat primitively[and poorly] drawn mech robot. I bought an Armored Core Designs book that has a ton of their mechs because I wanted to learn more or less their basic constructs. The grill in front is more Gundam than AC. Come to think of it, in that same purchase I got a Gundam booklet too. Too bad they're in Japanese, I'm just glad they've got lots of pictures.

Here's to my first step towards mechanical uprisings! 0010101!!!

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